SAGPA Awards 2016


Congratulations to all!

stick figure blowing party favor 800 clr 7180

Sean Klopper Remarkable Airmanship Award 2016

In the promotion of the sport of Gyrocopter flying he/she has shown an outstanding all-round display of Airmanship throughout the preceding 12 months including, but not limited to:- Making safety the number one priority, Seeking excellence in airmanship, developing and exercising good judgment, and applying sound principles of aeronautical decision making, recognizing and managing risks effectively, maintaining situational awareness, and adherence to prudent operating practices and personal operating parameters: aspiring to professionalism, acting with responsibility and courtesy, and adherence to applicable laws and regulations

Michael Roberts 


Christa Vorster Noteworthy Achievement Award 2016

For the most deserving individual displaying one or more of the key criteria Promotion of the sport of gyrocopter flying. He has acted as an exceptional ambassador in the preceding twelve months, inspiring other pilots to achieve excellence and also introducing the public to gyrocopter flying

Jacques Swiegers 

 CFI of the year Award 2016:

Outstanding and consistent application to training, currency and skill building.

Eben F Mocké

Nominated by Salie du Toit, former Student of 2017

"Just want to let you guys know, I went for some conversions today on fixed wing planes and my instructor asked where have you learned to fly, so I told him where I did my PPL. Then he asked was that the
1st place you ever learned to fly? So I said no. I learned from scratch in Upington at RAF. Then he said you must go on your knees and say thanks. Your foundation was laid down there and it was top class!!
I do so many check rides and believe me when I say the training you received there was of world class!! Coming from a guy that fly Boeing and Airbus …. Thanks to Eben snr, Eben Mocke and Gavin Mocke
for your help in setting that exceptional foundation. I owe you guys everything for having the honor to be one of your students."

 Promotion of Safety Award 2016:

Consistent display of combined decision making, safety and efficient operation.

Johan von Ludwig

Nominated by Alexander Nel, client of Johan

I have had the opportunity to closely view the build and operations of Wagtail.  I have found a thorough and remarkable display of knowledge, efficiency and a emphasis on safety during all aspects of gyrocopter operations.


Special Achievement Award 2016:

Across Border Gyroplane Tours since 2004 - Botswana, Zambia, Mozambique, Malawi and RSA.

Charles du Toit


Roelf Palm


Pilot 500 hour Mile Award:

Tommie Jordaan

Pilot 1000 hour Mile Award:

Pieter Kruger

Marcel van der Merwe

Gawie Steyn


Pilot 2000 hour Mile Award:

Johan Stemmet 

Instructor 250 hour Mile Award:

Gavin Mocke

Instructor 3500 hour Mile Award:

Len Klopper

Instructor 3500 Mile Award:

John de Jager


Youngest Gyroplane Pilot Award 2016:

Melt Morrison 

Oldest Gyroplane Pilot Award 2016

Cedric Elliot 

Milestone Achievements 2016

Designated Examiners

Len Klopper

Roelf Palm

Eben F Mocke

Eben Mocke

Approved Person of Year 2016:

Weidie Vorster

Target Drop 2016:

1st Place

Andre van Zyl 

2nd Place

Juanita Kruger, thanks to Jacques Swiegers

3rd Place 

Gavin Mocke

Champions "Hang Bal":

Moira Burger & Deon Maree

Lucky Draw

Juanita Kruger

 Download Documents here.  Click on document it will open in new window

SAGPA Awards 2016 Presentation




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